Women of ichiche | Donna Spector | Veterinarian - Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialist


Women of ichiche

Donna Spector: Veterinarian - Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialist


“One would think it is ALL about the animals and yet…a huge part of it for me is building and maintaining personal relationships with my clients and educating veterinarians. These have really become key to my happiness and success in the veterinary field.”



Women of ichiche is a collection of interviews, diving deeper into the lives of women who make an impact on the world around us.



Give us a little history on your business?

“I have worked in many facets of the veterinary industry. I started out in hard-core, fast-paced veterinary referral practice; offering specialty medicine to pet owners in San Diego and then in NYC (where I was extremely fortunate to meet Ichiche’s own Denise Spencer with her crew of fabulous cats!). I then moved into more concierge Internal Medicine service within the general practice setting to begin building closer more personal relationships to better serve a smaller group of individuals—I still do this today! I have also focused on educating veterinarians on current veterinary topics with monthly continuing education articles as well as phone consultation services through a nationwide laboratory service. I also run my own web-based consulting practice to bring specialty veterinary care to areas under-serviced by local veterinary specialists.”


Related to your veterinary practice, what was one of your proudest moments?

“Moving out of the specialty hospital environment that was making me miserable –it was very scary to step away from the known and into the unknown – but I have made a new little niche for myself that I am very proud of.”



What excites you most about 2019?

“Building my own business!  I am starting a small Internal Medicine referral business of my own - learning some new skills and offering some new services – this “old dog” is learning some new tricks! “




How do you find a good work-life balance, practicing veterinary medicine and raising a family?

“I have evolved throughout my career – I feel like I have always understood that one type of practice could not fulfill my needs at all times of my life. I have changed my career many times to fit my needs. When I had infants who I wanted to spend more time with, I spent more time consulting and educating veterinarians during that time. Now that my children are growing and in school, I find myself desiring to be in the clinic more. I also set healthy boundaries with my clients and my work place.”



“[I’m fond of] the satisfaction of having a new client who has been to the big specialty practice leave my exam room with the statement that they now FINALLY understand what is wrong with their pet and have a clear idea of the plan they should follow.”



How do you re-center?

“Daily walks in the forest with my dog, Gabby. Since I was a child, I have always felt the most centered and peaceful out in the forest. I have discovered the practice of Shinrin yoku (Japanese forest bathing). Go to a forest. Walk slowly. Breathe. Open all your senses. This is the healing way of Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy, the medicine of simply being in the forest. Researchers in Japan have established a significant body of scientific literature on the health benefits of spending time under the canopy of a living forest. Many trees give off organic compounds that support cells that are part of our immune systems way of fighting disease. There are many scientifically proven benefits such as reduced blood pressure, reduced stress, improved mood, increased energy level, improved sleep, etc. GET INTO THE FOREST!”


Where is your favorite vacation spot?

“St. Barths, Ibiza, Istanbul, Cappadocia – any place I am with with great friends.”




What ichiche piece do you love to wear and how do you style it?

“I am absolutely loving my Mykonos Kaftan – I love it with jean shorts and gladiator sandals.  I also love my River Milou dress – I prefer it with bare feet and a glass of wine!”


What are you…


Cooking Up?

“My go-to salad - Mixed greens, blueberries, strawberries, avocado, and quinoa tossed with a delicious reduced Meyer lemon vinegar - YUM!”


“Bad blood:  Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup (by John Carreyrou).  Covers the rise and fall of Theranos, the biotech startup of Elizabeth Holmes which was a complete fraud.  Just getting into it!”

Listening to?

“How I Built This” podcast series about innovators and entrepreneurs - their stories and things they built – just fascinating!”
